Embraer has welcomed airline Air New Zealand to its Energia Advisory Group, a component of the manufacturer’s Energia initiative to develop sustainable aircraft concepts for the future. (Image courtesy of Embraer.)

Business jet manufacturer Embraer and airline Air New Zealand have announced a collaboration that stands to benefit each company’s sustainable aircraft efforts. Air New Zealand is joining the Energia Advisory Group, part of Embraer’s Energia project working to develop sustainable aircraft concepts able to transport up to 50 passengers. In turn, Embraer has agreed to become a long-term partner in Air New Zealand’s Mission Next Gen Aircraft initiative, which seeks to accelerate the development and introduction of zero-emissions aircraft technology for regional air transport in New Zealand.

On A Mission

Air New Zealand’s fleet of more than 100 jet and turboprop aircraft transports passengers and cargo internationally and across 20 domestic regions. The Mission Next Gen Aircraft project pairs the company with leading aircraft developers, innovators, and infrastructure providers to bring about the technology and infrastructure required to decarbonize its domestic flights. The carrier will work with Embraer on design requirements for next-generation sustainable aircraft. Embraer says smaller, regional aircraft be the initial platform on which fuel and propulsion systems can be introduced effectively.

“We want to be a leader in the rollout of zero-emissions aircraft in New Zealand,” says Kiri Hannifin, Air New Zealand chief sustainability officer. “Having Embraer as one of our long-term partners will grow our collective understanding of zero-emissions aircraft technology as it develops and will give them the confidence they are developing a product that’s viable for us.”

Energizing Energia

The Energia Advisory Group comprises airlines, lessors, manufacturers, and other aviation experts, all exploring several energy sources and propulsion and airframe architectures. Project goals include cutting carbon emissions by half starting in 2030 and being carbon-neutral by 2050. Propulsion architectures being explored include hybrid-electric, hydrogen fuel cell, fully electric, and a dual sustainable aircraft fuel (SAF)-hydrogen fuel source to power a modified gas turbine engine. Aircraft concepts include the Energia Hybrid E19-HE and E30-HE, H2 Fuel Cell E19-H2FC and E30-H2FC, Electric E9-FE, and H2 Gas Turbine E50-H2GT.

Find Embraer Business Jets

If you’re in the market for jet aircraft, Controller.com has a big selection of new and used Embraer business jets for sale, including Phenom and Legacy aircraft.

Source: Embraer

Posted On: 2/8/2023 4:00:21 PM