Diamond Aircraft recently celebrated the completion of the 500th DA40 NG at its headquarters in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. Diamond says the are about 2,200 DA40-series aircraft in service globally. (Photo courtesy of Diamond Aircraft.)

Diamond Aircraft recently rolled out the 500th single-engine DA40 NG piston airplane built at its Austrian home base in Wiener Neustadt. The four-seat, multipurpose DA40 NG is aimed at flight training schools and private pilots among other buyers. It received European Union Aviation Safety Agency certification in 2010. Reinhard Schwaiger, Diamond Aircraft Austria team leader of civil aircraft sales, says the aircraft is ideal for buyers located worldwide.

“She offers a superb balance of performance and efficiency while being very reliable and durable,” Schwaiger says. “Congratulations to the proud new customer of this jubilee DA40 NG.”

A List Of Renowned Customers

The all-composite DA40 NG is part of Diamond’s DA40 series, of which Diamond says there are 2,200 in service worldwide. A large number of those are part of high-utilization commercial fleet operations, it says. “Diamond Aircraft is proud of a long DA40 NG customer list of renowned fleet operators, airlines, aero clubs, and loyal private owners in its Diamond Aircraft family,” the company says.

Other DA40 models include the four-seat DA40 Tundra backcountry specialist and four-seat, all-purpose DA40 XLT that uses a 180-horsepower Lycoming IO360M1A AVGAS piston engine. The DA40 NG, however, is powered with a 168-hp Austro AE300 jet-fuel turbocharged common-rail injected 2-liter diesel engine featuring a single-lever EECU (electronic engine control unit). It also includes a fully integrated G1000 NXi flight deck with option for a GFC700 automatic flight control system. Flight range is 940 nautical miles (1,740 kilometers), and maximum operating altitude is 16,400 feet (5,000 meters). The plane has a 1,984-pound (900-kilogram) empty weight and a 904-lb (410-kg) useful load.

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Source: Diamond Aircraft

Posted On: 12/23/2020 4:59:05 PM